Sunday, June 1, 2014

Leek Soup: Our First Adventure

We started our cooking adventure today!  I have been so excited to learn this skill, becoming healthier is one of my main motivations to attempting a new kind of art form, Wendy's is KILLING my waistline.  Our first recipe was simply fabulous in the end.  I love vegetables and I especially love trying new vegetables, so today my dear mother was kind enough to teach me how to make leek soup.  Don't worry my dear friends, we are going to suggest how to make it none vegetarian for those you that love to spice up your food options with a bit of meat.

Cooking Time:  20-30 minutes
Price: 15-25$ depending on your grocer 


3 Leeks
5 soup potatoes
1 cup of Spinach
1 can of Garbanzo beans
3/4 tsp Thyme (powdered)
2 Celery sticks
2 Cloves of garlic
2 tbs Olive oil
3 tbs chicken bouillon 
4 cups of water
Sea Salt (to taste)
Black Pepper (to taste)


Coat a small to medium sized frying pan with the olive oil.  Chop up and fry the leeks, thyme, and celery together with a dash of salt for 5-7 minutes, add garlic and continue to fry in the olive oil pan.

Chop up the spinach and soup potatoes and set aside until all of the ingredients are combined into the pot.

Blend 1/2 can of Garbanzo beans with 4 cans (or cups) of water and bouillon until smooth.  Add these ingredients to a large pot medium/high head.

Combine all parts into the pot (including the last half of the beans) and bring to a boil, add salt and pepper to taste.

For those of you that love having meat in your vegetarian options, we would suggest adding some bacon, just for a little something extra!  This soup was fabulous tasting and fun to make, it made me realize that there are many different ingredients that you can add together and somehow soup makes them all work together.  I cannot wait for our next adventure.

-Trying in the kitchen


Simply the beginning

All of my life I have dreamed of becoming an artist, sadly I was not blessed with the ability to draw, paint, or even to play music beautifully.  Recently I have discovered that there are many other ways to be an artist, one of which is through cooking, but I'm not very skilled at that either.  Lucky for me I have a very gifted mother who has decided to begin teaching me from the beginning.  I have no idea what I am doing, but she does!  Together we can become a pair of artists.

-Trying in the kitchen